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Part-Time Newsletter School

The next evolution in building part-time. Shortcut your learning curve by learning from the mistakes I've made. It's straight to the point, no fluff and totally designed with you in mind. This is the course I wish I had 2 years ago.













The Part-Time Newsletter School


So here’s the thing, 

As much as this creator thing might seem like a doddle from the outside looking in. 

But building a profitable creator business is a slog. 

It’s full of tumbles, turns, and a bucketload of things you don’t know that you don’t know. The internet is crowded, the space is overwhelming, and there is so much to learn. 

But building a newsletter business on the internet is perhaps the most creatively fulfilling and profitable opportunity for anybody working a 9-to-5.

How do I know? I work 9-to-5 and have built an 18,000-person newsletter in my spare time. 

I made $100,000 from my newsletter business last year, I know, wild. 

And building a newsletter is easy right? 

No need for a course, huh?

Throw together a few lead magnets, write a few X posts and hey presto, job’s a good’un. 

Well, that’s what I thought. And then I started learning about the buyer’s journey, the RY-Gap, the 2C’s, the problem statement, and like, a tonne of other stuff.

So, after a year or two of missed opportunities, and hitting myself on the head for not doing some of this sooner, I decided to create this course. 

Let’s get into exactly what it is.

Why do so many Part-Time Creators give up?

It's emotional game this creator thing, you feel..

Overwhelmed by the information that exists about building online.

There's not enough time in the day to figure it all out, you're working full-time.

The mountain is just too high to climb, it takes too long. 

I've been there but building a newsletter business changed my life...


Hey, I’m Eve. 👋

I started writing on the internet back in 2020, when that small thing called COVID-19 hit the world. 

When I started writing I had no idea where it would lead, I just wanted to write. It was a real graft in the beginning. 

I was writing every day, every week for nearly 18 months before anything ‘big’ happened. 

But a few years later, things went from strength to strength and I hit 20,000+ followers on Medium and was clearing$1,500 a month

I thought things couldn’t get any better, I was on cloud 9. 

Then last year I decided to build my first course (I had no idea what I was doing). I read a few books. Had an idea of what I wanted to build and got to work. 

I remember the day I launched. 

It was a Friday. I went out on a site visit, came home and before I’d even launched the thing, I opened up my page, $900 in pre-orders.

I sat on the edge of the bed, I could barely believe my eyes. 

That weekend I made over $8,000. 

It changed everything for me. I went from making $10,000 in one year on the internet to building a newsletter business and clearing $100,000 last year. 

It’s wild. I still flash back to that day and it makes me smile. 

All this to say, I know what it’s like to go from zero. 

Today I look back on that launch and can point out all the things I did wrong, I cringe at some of the emails I sent out. 

But one thing remains clear to me. 

Building and scaling a newsletter business (and treating it like a business) has changed my life. 

This course is everything I know about building and scaling. I’ve spent hundreds of hours compiling it. 

I’ve built it for you if you work full-time and are trying to build something on the side.

It’s a course I love. I hope you do too. 


What's Inside?


The Part-Time Newsletter School is made up of 6 easy-to-follow modules, over 50 lessons, self-paced to be complete in your own time.


The Notion Hub is designed to deliver templates and guidance to complete the teaching. Helping you execute on the lessons.


Bonus '9 Rules of Copywriting' mini-course & 'How to Launch' Masterclass both are designed to help you get more out of your launches.

The goal: To help you build a profitable newsletter business in 5 hours a week.

It’s straight-to-the-point, down-to-earth, and easy to follow. 






Get crystal clear on who you are writing to, your newsletter model, and how to find the cracks to define your position.






Write content that captivates your audience, and allows you to build a real connection. Figure out how you set yourself apart.





Learn how to harness systems write consistently, find opportunities to earn more, and refine your delivery. 






Scale your newsletter by mastering the reader journey and optimizing your sales copy and much, much more. 






Pull on these levers to maximize your opportunity to build your business and increase your sales.






A walk through of the enhanced strategies you can use to data to drive more revenue without hours of work.



What makes this course different?


Built by a Part-Time Creator

I’ll teach the stuff to focus on to get the 80:20, so you can spend the rest of your time building. We’ll cover the strategies I used to go from zero to $100,000 per year whilst working full-time.

Coming soon


From start to finish

50+ lessons of learning. You’ll learn all the strategies, thinking and techniques to building a profitable newsletter business in 5 hours a week. This course is designed to take your through the entire newsletter business journey. 

Coming soon


The Complete Guide to Build Your Newsletter Business

The step-by-step guide to starting and monetizing your newsletter business in 2024 if you work 9-to-5. This is a complete comprehensive course that will walk you through from zero to profitable newsletter business.

✅ Learn to build consistent, high-value content with a simple system.

✅ Work out your position so you can find your writer-market fit.

✅ Learn how to stand-out in a crowded market.

✅ Figure out how to find opportunities to monetize by working smarter, not harder.

✅ Build to scale, with some simple shifts in your thinking and analysis.

✅ Learn what 'Levers' to pull on to make all the difference in your bottom line. 

It's the complete guide to building and scaling your newsletter business if you work full-time. 



Coming 10th May


Build your business part-time

Designed for creators that work full-time.