How to Build Your Product-Roadmap Feb 10, 2024

For the last year, I’ve been building my business in 2 hours a day.

A common misconception is people think you have to go ‘all-in’ to create a viable business on the internet. Going all-in is step 10, not step 1. First, you must have something worth stepping into, it might sound...

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Step-By-Step Headline Writing Guide Feb 03, 2024

Let’s talk about headlines.

A headline is simple — It’s a preview of the big event (your article). It’s a snippet of what you’ll get if you give up 4 minutes to read an essay (and that’s a big deal for people).

If you can learn to create compelling headlines,...

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My Best Content Strategy Jan 27, 2024

If you’ve tried to start a writing habit, you will get stuck on your ‘content strategy’ somewhere along the line. When you’re feeling lost, it’s easy to get sucked into the vortex of content strategy advice:

  • Write when you feel inspired
  • Write x5 tweets a day
  • Write 2...
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4 Unusual Article Ideas In 4 Minutes Jan 20, 2024

If you’ve ever tried to create on the side, you’ll know that being able to come up with ideas can be a stumbling block. When you don’t have much time, the easiest option is to just pick off the easiest ideas and run with them.

  • Focus on your habits, not your goals.
  • Money...
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Three Uncommon Ideation-Techniques Jan 13, 2024

This is for you if you’re struggling to make your ideas pop.

If you have ideas but they are surface-level, if you find that you can’t dig deeper, you’re struggling to scratch beneath the surface and take the idea further.

That used to be me until I developed these 3 methods.


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The 'Why-Why-How' Technique Jan 06, 2024

AI will mean one thing: more obvious content. Chatgpt has lowered the bar for online writing, which means anyone, within minutes, can publish an article on the internet.

The result? Newsfeeds will be flooded with the ‘10 Productivity Tips’ and ‘Morning Routine Hacks’. The...

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